To speak with a licensed insurance agent, call John Dickey at (626) 348-1855 (TTY 711 M-F, 8am-9pm) or email

John Dickey

Licensed Insurance Agent

I am a totally-independent health broker specializing in Medicare. I have more than 820 active Medicare clients. I am appointed with all of the largest US Medicare insurance plans and serve as a free resource and advocate, now and at any time in the future, to help you find information on Medicare; including detailed information on all plans that best fit your, or a relative's, health needs and budget. I have hosted more than 200 Medicare workshops throughout San Gabriel Valley; for which I constantly attend insurance training seminars and classes to stay current on applicable government regulations, and on available Medicare plan benefit options. This also allows me to greatly simplify, and demystify, Medicare for all seniors who I meet with.

What I do before I ever meet with any potential client is find out (by phone and/or E-mail) their zip code, their primary care provider and all specialists who they are seeing, and the prescription drugs they are taking, if any. That allows me to find out, in advance of meeting, what Medicare plans are available where they live, which plans their current doctors accept, and what plans will cover their prescription drugs at the lowest out-of-pocket costs. I also often work with seniors to help them significantly reduce their prescription costs through such plans as "Extra Help" (formerly called Low Income Subsidy), finding generic alternatives, and enrolling in “preferred mail-order pharmacy” programs. Also, the readily-available resources that I have access to allow me to help seniors find, and/or change to, the doctors (primary and all specialists) they are seeing if they so desire or need to make such a change.

There is never any charge to you for any of my consultations. My office is at 3852 E. Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena, and my phone number is (626) 348-1855. I have owned my own health insurance brokerage for 10 years, am a fully licensed and certified Medicare, health, long-term care, and life insurance broker, am a certified Health Insurance Planner (HIP), and have an MBA degree.

I have lived in San Gabriel Valley for 30 years. I look forward to helping you!

Get Free Medicare Assistance

Friendly, licensed insurance professionals are available to answer all of your questions. Call (626) 348-1855 or complete the form below and we’d be happy to reach out to you.

      By submitting this information, you acknowledge a licensed insurance agent may contact you by phone, email, or mail to discuss Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Supplement Insurance, or Prescription Drug Plans.

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